söndag 7 december 2008


a.k.a Jaws 5: Cruel Jaws (USA); The Beast; Jaws '96 (Japan video title)

Italy / USA, 1995

Starring a bunch of n00bs

Directed by "William Snyder"... you're not fooling anybody, Bruno Mattei

SHVY (Japan); Widescreen; English with japanese subtitles

BAAAAD scene-by-scene "remake" of Jaws, with lots of liften scene from The Last Jaws, Deep Blood and, I think, even some tinted scenes from the original Jaws! And the soundtrack is liften from Star Wars!!! Theaving de luxe, braindead script and some truly atrocious acting makes for hilarious Grade Z entertainment. Just like Troll 2 you sometimes wonder if the director was in on the joke.

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