fredag 12 december 2008


USA, 1974

Starring Scott Jacoby, Pippa Scott & John Larch

Directed by Buzz Kulik

MDC (Sweden); Fullscreen; English with swedish subtitles

Really creepy TV movie about a shy, weird nerd who accidentaly kills a school bully and is hidden in a secret room in the house by his over protective mother. When the mother dies from an operation Ronald continues living in the secret room, even when a new family with two young daughters move in. Ronald drills a hole in the wall and the family becomes increasingly suspicios when they start hearing noices and food and other stuff start mysteriously dissapearing. In the meantime Ronald starts to lose more and more grip with reality until he finally starts believing he's the prince of his made up fantasy land called Atranta, and that the princess (the cute young daughter) needs to be saved... and then it's time for Ronald to come out... brrr... Highly recommended.

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